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Dear Heloise: I always thought working from home would be the ideal job. I never thought it would be as difficult as it is. In fact, I have more stress now that I work from home than I ever had at an office setting. We don't have children, but I'm distracted by phone calls from family and friends, as well as errands. And, I'm the last of the red-hot procrastinators. How can I get the self-discipline I need to get work done on time? -- Mary-Ellen A., Santa Rosa, California
Mary-Ellen, you need to set up a room for an office, one which has a lock on the door. If at all possible, don't work on your coffee table or dining table. Get up in the morning at the same time every day. Get your breakfast or morning coffee, and get to work. If you work from 8 a.m. to noon, stop and take a lunch break, but only allow yourself 60 minutes. Then, back to work until 3 or 4 p.m.
Tell your family and friends that they may only call you after 4 p.m., or whatever your clock-out time happens to be. Do not answer their calls until after the time you specified. If this is too difficult, then find a schedule you can live with and stick to it. Above all else, get organized. Whatever you need to organize your office, get it and use it. You can get second-hand book shelves, a desk and computers.
Got a spouse? Tell them they'll need to pitch in to help with the house or yard work and with errands. People mistakenly think if you're home all day, the house should be spotless, and the laundry should be done. Well, if your office is a bedroom down the hall, and you're busy with office work, you can't scrub the kitchen floor.
Self-discipline is not actually as hard as you think. However, it may be that you'll need to return to an office setting in order to get your work done. For some people, this just works out better for them. -- Heloise
Dear Heloise: It seems that when I buy a cat toy, my cat tears it up in a few days. What can I use as a cat toy that's cheap and hard for the cat to ruin? -- Lindsey T., Morgantown, West Virginia
Lindsey, put a small bell and a few pebbles in an empty pill bottle and let them roll it around. Or, try a crumpled ball of paper. Let them chase it when you throw it. You can also roll and tuck an old sock into a ball.
Dear Heloise: I recently discovered that by dropping a denture tablet into my commode bowl, I could remove stains in my commode. I do it every night, and my commode is sparkling white! -- Catalina R., Laredo, Texas
Catalina, this also works well if you fill the kitchen or bathroom sink with water and put a denture-cleaning tablet in the water. Let it sit for about 15 to 18 minutes, then let the water out, and the sink should be clean. -- Heloise
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A shooting in downtown Billings over the weekend which apparently started as a road rage incident is now being investigated as a homicide.
No, Amazon is not building a massive new distribution center in Billings but that doesn't mean the online retailer couldn't end up here.
City, state and federal officials reached four women in Billings earlier this who were potential victims of human trafficking as part of a national effort to combat human trafficking.
A man is dead and five people were wounded after an apparent standoff at a home near Pryor on Tuesday.
A man who previously pleaded guilty to sexually assaulting a student at Montana State University is now accused of raping a child on the Crow Reservation.
Billings police investigate a 3:15 a.m. shooting at Lewis Avenue and Division Street. Officers located a 49 year old man with a gunshot wound …
Beginning in April, the Casper Star-Tribune set out on a road trip to ask Wyoming residents their opinions of Rep. Liz Cheney. Here's what some of them had to say.
A tanker truck hauling gasoline in Yellowstone National Park rolled over Friday and spilled an estimated 4,800 gallons.
Kevin Kassis and Lewis Kidd also had mostly positive performances, while Daniel Hardy suffered an injury and Tre Webb got cut.
Two people are facing decades in prison and multi-million dollar fines for trafficking fentanyl into the Rocky Boy’s Indian Reservation, Havre and Great Falls.
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